Our festival is inspired by the bee. Pure, prosperous and buzzing with potential, bees are the Earth's high vibrational midwives. Working in harmonious community, bees gracefully spread their creative energy across the Earth, that all might come to
bask in the beauty of Mother Nature's abundance.
These are the six core thriving principals around which our hive is built.
Six is the number of creation and a sign of perfection. The hexagon - sacred geometry of the honeycomb and the sun - represents the power of pure potential and is an ancient symbol for our divine majesty, wisdom and love.
It is our belief that through the embodiment of these principals
the sweet nectar of life can be found.
Every day together is lovingly curated to take us deeper into each of these principals. By calling forth the energy of the humble bee we weave our mandala of
truth, consciousness and bliss.


Samantha Claire is a shamanic practitioner and trauma therapist. She is also a mother, singer, songwriter and teacher of ecstatic dance and kundalini yoga. She has been running Deep Meditation Retreats for over 16 years and numerous festivals worldwide.
Her work is about awakening people’s potential to realise their freedom and authentic self through multi-shamanic modalities. She believes in the power of creating a life you love and claiming back one’s responsibility, in order to access the inner engineering of our soul’s purpose.

Vincent is an author, teacher and healer, who specialises in the vedic traditions of Northern India.
A father of two, he is incredibly passionate about meditation, good company and the medicinal potential of plants in helping to guide our intricate dance on this beautiful earth.
Vincent has been walking the path of advaita vedanta for twenty years and continues to deepen his apprenticeship in various ancient and shamanic practices.

Alexandra is a sacred embodiment coach & energy alchemist.
She weaves the teachings of Traditional Tantra and Shamanic plant & energy work in a unique way. She is passionate about supporting others to speak their Truth, stand in their Power and create a Life of Pleasure.
Her journey from corporate to 8yrs of healing from chronic illness makes her devoted to living Life to the fullest. From deep stillness, Holy Anger to Absolute Bliss. She currently works 1:1 and offers workshops & retreats.